Friday, July 31, 2015

No Zen for you

my twitter feed today is choked with moon images and it only dawned on me late this afternoon that it’s because there is indeed a blue moon tonight. after this realization, i immediately thought that despite the popular wisdom, a blue moon isn’t that such a rare of an occurrence, nor is it really blue. snark is to my mind what resting bitch face is to my countenance. it’s my MO, to clog my system with biting sarcasm in the face of an undeserved grace. 

a modern zen parable: a university professor went to visit a zen master.  the master started pouring him tea and kept on pouring. the cup overflowed but the master kept pouring until the professor could no longer restrain himself.  “stop, it’s already full,” the professor said wherein the master replied “your mind is this cup. if you come here with a full mind, there would be no room for zen.”

let’s run with this zen shit. 

another famous zen master, dogen, compared a quiet, empty mind to a tea cup full of pure, still water. that cup could easily reflect the moon.