Tuesday, September 15, 2015


one is always meant to see the things one sees, they say. what about this endless loop on tv about this kentucky court clerk and her galling intolerance? it’s jewish new year’s day and the traffic situation, among other things today, is magical. it’s way before seven and i’m already back in my neighborhood. deciding to pick up some toiletries, i find myself with a throng of bored school kids in this normally sedate rite aid. this one group mills around the greeting cards section and it is a scene of hothouse shenanigans in that corner with more than a few arid kisses exchanged. waiting in line, watching talking heads debate insipidly about this bigoted civil employee on the tv by the security guard, i just wither and leave the queue and walk back home. outside my building, a leaf from a dogwood falls, first showing its front, then its back.